Bag Filter Solutions

The company has over 10 years of experience in supplying bag filtration solutions, the vast majority of which include acid gas and heavy metal control.

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Each bag filter is designed as an integral part of an overall air pollution control system, not just a particulate collector. Filtration velocity, gas distribution, cleaning control and other design criteria all play a role in effectively removing acid gases, mercury, dioxins and other pollutants, and Guantong takes a complete system approach to each project.


As with all of our engineered solutions, GuanTong specializes in custom-designed equipment that can be retrofitted into existing facilities to minimize equipment footprint and steel weight, saving on-site construction time and costs.


Bags and cages are the core of any bag filter system. Based on process conditions and emission guarantees, choosing the right material, ensuring the fit between bag and cage and bag and tube sheet is a necessary condition for the normal operation of the system. If your bag life is short, pressure drop is high or does not meet emission limits, our technical experts can recommend the right bag material.

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